We've been published!
At the start of 2016 I did a little bit of reflecting, deciding where I wanted to head personally and with the business. I decided to set myself some goals. One of them was to appear in a magazine. Now, early in the year I had no idea what magazine or how I would achieve it, but I just knew that it had to be the kind of magazine that would appear on the shelves of WHSmiths (old school I know).
Well, in early Spring I did a couple of styled shoots and one of them got published online (more of which later, I haven't blogged about that one yet) but I hadn't tackled the 'appearing in a magazine' goal. And then one morning in late summer I got an email from Wedding Flowers and Accessories magazine asking if I wanted to be featured in their floral 'look book' section of the magazine. To say I was jumping up and down with excitement was an understatement. This was a magazine I read and bought six times a year. Well, I snapped up their offer and a couple of months later found myself in a studio in Essex with a bouquet, buttonholes, centrepiece and a very special floral necklace that I had made at 5am that morning.
I was given the colour pink so my flowers had to feature a kind of pink as the main colour. Other than that it was left up to me on the style and the flowers that I chose. I went for a bold pink colour palette filled with ranunculus, nerines, veronica, piano roses, spray roses, mimosa, grasses and some very special locally grown dahlias (thank you https://cottagegardening.co.uk),
Just a few weeks ago the January and February issue of the magazine fell through the letterbox and my flowers had made the cut. Woohoo! Two pages with my bouquet, necklace and centrepiece on them. I still can't get over the fact my flowers have been published. And, yes, anyone who has come to visit recently has been made to sit down and look at the magazine.
Now, as I come to the end of 2017 I have got to start work on next years goals. All ideas gratefully received!
My two pages!
The bouquet
Floral bridesmaid necklace
Garden style centrepiece